The taste is exceptional; the
nutrition, superb. There is more control over food safety, less
waste in packaging, lower consumption of fossil fuels to
transport the food, and benefits to our state’s environment,
economy, and communities. The use of locally-grown foods can
also counter the trend of parts of America, even our Midwestern
rural areas, becoming like a colonies dependent on urban and
corporate food producers. It is scary to imagine a future era
when Iowa would have no farmers in the business of raising
quality food to sell directly to those who live here.
Another value of gardening and using locally-grown food is the
potential for engaging in a slower lifestyle and deriving the
intangible benefits–spiritual, emotional, neighboring, or
communal–that come from connecting with the earth and/or the
people who produce our food.
That said, I should mention that gardening is not for everyone
and that non-gardeners too can be patrons of the local foods
movement.The book Bloom and Blossom, edited by Mary Swander,
Iowa State University professor and the state’s new poet
laureate, is a collection of essays about gardening. In the
first essay, “General Advice,” originally published in 1908,
Bailey writes, “Every family can have a garden. If there is not
a foot of land, there are porches or windows. Wherever there is
sunlight, plants may be made to grow; and one plant in a tin can
may be a more helpful and inspiring garden to some minds than a
whole acre of lawn or flowers may be to another.”
In the 1970s, I heard a man from the agricultural extension
department say that having fun and success were important
considerations for people who wanted to garden. He recommended
that people begin with a single tomato plant next to their door.
The idea was that they would pass by it often, appreciate its
daily development, and be able to pluck a tomato in the peak of
its ripeness without hiking to the back yard after a long day of
work to tend the vines or losing the out-of-sight-out-of-mind
fruit to neglect. His advice for people who wanted to put food
by in large quantity–say spaghetti sauce–was to buy the produce
in bulk from local farmers.
I am reminded of the container garden on the deck of my
second floor Gilbert apartment. There I grew zinnias, herbs,
tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, and other vegetables before moving to
Ames nearly three years ago–a distance of some five miles. |
Regardless of what is written in this column, there are
people who will engage in gardening. Apparently, it’s our
nation’s number-one hobby. So the bigger question is how do
our towns and various organizations such as churches,
betterment groups, nursing homes, retirement centers, and
service clubs become more supportive of gardening and the
use of locally-grown food.
I propose that a town or organization could do an informal
gardening inventory of its residents and/or members. The
project could start slowly on an experimental scale this
year. Then a year from now, the group could refine the plan
and expand the effort.
What members or friends have turf with good topsoil,
drainage, and openness to sunshine where they would be
willing to host a garden plot? It could be 2x2 feet here or
3x9 feet there. It could be in an empty space between two
buildings on Main Street, on an island in a neighborhood
cul-de-sac, or in a front yard. Who has
gardening wisdom and a desire to be part of the project? Who
suffers from the impression that he or she has a brown thumb
but wants to garden? What resources such as the county
office of university agricultural extension service or a
local gardening group are available to lend advice?
The idea would be to develop gardening circles analogous to
church circles, support groups, or interest groups such as
book clubs, investment clubs, and quilting bees. However, in
this case, each circle would focus on a specific
geographical location and the production of food. Ideally,
circle members would be able to walk, bicycle, or drive
their wheel chair with ease to their group’s garden plot.
The plots could be in various sections of town. And perhaps
there could be a small, highly visible plot next to city
hall or others in central places such as at the entrance of
a hospital or mall.
Each group would discern its own goals and operating
guidelines. The operation may not be 100 percent bliss; but
in this not entirely perfect process may lie an avenue to
the deep bond that happens when people work together. A
circle would decide if it was going to have a “rugged
individualism” model with each person having a piece of the
turf to grow what he or she wants or if it would opt for
collaborative decision-making. There would be decisions
about what to grow, to grow organically or not, to use city
water or rain water, or to start from seed or transplants.
The circle would decide upon its style of farming. Would
there be meticulous row crop gardening or messy permaculture
beds, advanced efforts put into layered beds that reduce the
need for weeding or Herculean efforts to pull weeds as the
season progresses? Oh yes, there would be decisions about
rabbits–whether to swear at them and threaten to get out the
pellet gun or simply greet and let them be (but certainly to
erect some fences around the vegetable patches). There will
be the rub of how to share the input costs and resolve
conflicts as well as dealing with varying work ethics, jobs
and vacation schedules, standards for cleaning the shovels,
rakes and other tools. Will there be one queen bee and
several worker bees? Will someone who can’t physically
engage in gardening be a welcome member of the circle and
benefit from being in a garden setting and connecting with
other gardeners? Maybe that person could read the
instructions from the back of the seed packets to the other
gardeners in the group or serve the lemonade and iced tea.
How will the circle share its produce: among members, with
friends? As part of acongregational or community dinner? Set aside for a program such as the
Plant-a-Row-for-the-Hungry project, used in preparing meals
for a homeless shelter, brought to a sharing table at the
community center on a weekday or the church social hall on a
Sunday morning, delivered to the cook at a care center, or
sold to a make a dime or two? And the big question will be:
who is responsible for the bounty of unused zucchini!
The new garden at the White House is more than a source of
fresh vegetables for Barack, Michelle, Malia, Sasha,
Michelle’s mother, and their guests. It is an iconic
project. The Victory Gardens of the 1940s provided more than
simply food for ordinary families. Those gardens, too, were
iconic–practical but a way to be grounded with limited
resources in the face of great challenges.
The success of the proposed gardening circles could be not
merely a matter of the food and deepened friendships that
grow from the garden plots and the care of them. Its value
will also lie in the unexpected, intangible benefits–be they
spiritual, emotional, social, or political–that emerge from
such engagement and help fortify the members to face the
extraordinary challenges of this era. And just maybe, the
efforts of the members as part of a larger network will be
symbolic with a ripple effect that extends beyond the
specific congregation, organization, or community that
provides the oversight for the project.
*Liberty Hyde Bailey
(1858-1954) is credited with being instrumental in starting
agricultural extension services, the 4-H movement, the
nature study movement, parcel post, and rural
electrification. He was considered the father of rural
sociology and rural journalism. (From Wikipedia) |