Why would anyone write a book about their childhood? It takes a lot of time and effort, and unless you're prominent in some way, you're probably not going to sell a great number of books. Of course, we all like to think about the good ol' days from time to time, but it's a lot easier just to think about them than to write a book about them. Even a teensy-weensy book.
In my case my initial motivation was based on the fact I wanted to give something to my children and grandchildren (oh yes, even great grandchildren) so they might better appreciate their not too distant roots. The world is changing so fast that young people today would be strangers in the world where I grew up. And my parents, who have been gone for only about thirty years, would be amazed at what we think as commonplace today.
I have always wondered about the vanity of writing about oneself. Offhand, it
would seem the vainest thing in the world to expect other people to spend time
and money for the privilege of reading about you. But that isn't really what
book is all about. It is my hope that the reader, especially those of my
'vintage', who lived their childhoods in the early part of this century, will
not think of this book as about someone else, but about themselves.
After all, the 'trials and tribulations' of my youth were probably not too much
different from your own. So, as you travel down my memory lane, you will
be traveling down yours as well. It is my hopes that this book will jog
some of your old memories.
And for the younger readers, my childhood was probably not a great deal different from that of your parents or grandparents. I'm sure they would be more than glad to tell you all about theirs. After all, that's what we old people like to do -- talk about the past.
Proceed to Chapter 1: Introduction.