Just What Does Go on in the Beauty Shop?
by Dorothy Farlow Gravlund
Between the years 1948 and
1968 I was a beauty operator in the town of Rolfe, Iowa. I would like to
tell you just a few of the things that went on in my beauty shop during that
time. No doubt the same things that are currently taking place in a
beauty shop near you. So if you've ever wondered what goes on in a
beauty shop and what women talk about while getting their hair done, this book is for you.
If you are not interested in how I became a beauty operator, or my days in beauty school, just jump to Chapter 3.
You can also read the book in pdf format by simply clicking on BOOK IN PDF FORMAT, which allows you to turn from page to page as in a real book. Enjoy.
3 Just What Does Go on in the Beauty Shop?
I thank the Hair Archives at www.hairarchives.com/index.htm for the use of many of their pictures.