Harvey Applegate

Harvey Applegate now lives in Omaha, Nebraska with his wife Carol. Their address is


Harvey Applegate

14733 Castelar Circle

Omaha, NE 68144-2055

 Hi to all! Well, after we all parted in May of 1955, I joined the Air Force, where I served for four years. When I got out in May of 1959 I started work for Braniff Airlines in Chicago. I then met and married the woman who I have been happily married to ever since. Carol and I were married in 1961 and we have two daughters and three grandchildren.

In 1974 I received a call from Ramada Hotels in Omaha to set up a training program and oversee operations, which I did for six years. In 1980 I accepted a position as telecom manager for the University of Nebraska/Omaha, and later in 1985 I took a position at Best Western Hotels.

I retired in 1995 after short job stint in California. In 1996 Carol and I moved back to Omaha to be closer to the kids and grandchildren. Also, my mom still lives in Gilmore City and my newphew Terry Applegate still farms the home place outside Rolfe. I often go back to Rolfe to see my mon and help Terry with crops. Right now I'm busy restoring a 38 Allis Chalmers G tractor. I also see Bill Kenna and Ronnie Gardwine when I go back to Rolfe.

Telephone (402) 334-5131.

You can send him an email at


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