Food for Thought about
by Helen D. Gunderson, editor
November 23, 2001
Patriotism is a dominant theme in these months following the September
11 tragedies. It seems to be everywhere from newspaper and magazine pages
to television and computer screens to talk radio, not to mention all the
flags that are displayed — some with proper decorum and some in a
disgraceful manner.
I wrote an
about patriotism during the national day of mourning on the Friday
that followed the attacks. It's been on this site for awhile, but I
finally got around to tightening the piece and correcting some typos this
weekend. Many thanks to my friend Sylvia Olson in Pocahontas and my sister
Clara Hoover (RHS Class of 1960) in Omaha who proofed the essay and gave
me suggestions. However, they are not responsible for any gremlins left in
the piece. Sure wish I were better at attending to detail. However, I do
believe the essay is an important one and hope you will read it. I've also
essay that I wrote several years ago about the loss of our rural
Some items have come across my desk recently that I thought important
to share with you and that represent diverse perspectives on patriotism,
the September 11th tragedy and its aftermath. I encourage you to check
them out.
Cleal Bittner (RHS Class of 1966) sent me an e-mail with a link to a
beautiful and profoundly moving audio-visual reflection that is "Dedicated
to the men, women and children who lost their lives; all those who
sacrificed their lives; and to all the Heroes that responded to the
emergency 11 September." The show consists of a seven megabyte file that
will work well on fast computers with high speed internet connections.
Unfortunately, some of you may have trouble downloading it.
e-mail colleague sent me a link to a web site called that
has the slogan "Action for Justice, Not War." The site has
considerable information and links to more information — the kind that
you won't find in our country's popular and prominent sources of news
stories and commentary. The first bulletin I received was an introduction
to the sources of "blowback." Here's the opening paragraph from
it (Bulletin Issue #5).
"In spook-speak, the term is "blowback." Originally, it was used to refer to a cloud of radioactive gas left over after an atomic bomb test that blows back over the study center. Now, it refers to individuals or groups who received training from US operatives and who later turned against us. Think Manuel Noriega. Think Saddam Hussein. Think Osama bin Laden." new
friend in California forwarded me the text of a profound and complex
speech by Bill Moyers. It's not easy to summarize his long remarks in a
capsule. He is a veteran and honorable journalist with experience in the
halls of power yet who is willing to tell things like they are. He talks
with about details of some of the common people who lost their lives on
September 11th but also tells of the preposterous ways in which some
governmental leaders are taking advantage of this crisis to push through
horrific agendas with little scrutiny by a distracted public. His talk was
the keynote address to the Environmental Grantmakers Association annual
conference in Brainerd, Minnesota on October 16, 2001. It can be found at
the following address. I hope you're good at reading red on gold text. I
think there is an option where you can e-mail the text to yourself which
might result in easier reading.
new link
when my father, Deane Gunderson (RHS Class of 1935) wrote his series
"Bubbles in the Wine" in the mid-1970s, he had
column on patriotism that we've added to his collection of material
on this web site.